Friday, November 2, 2012


   I will be looking into how social networking is linked to a Freshman UK college student's, because most have a social networking site, success in school. This is something very important because freshman year is how most people set the bar for their entire college career so this important to see what the effects are. This will take me through fields like partying, drama and distracting. I will see if it is negative or positive on a student's success at the university.
   I will analyze both facebook and twitter and may go back to myspace for some information about how people were effected in the beginning. The people I will talk to will be some frequent users of social networking sites, some occasional users, and people who do not have an account on a social networking website at all. I will ask what they feel about the topic and see what their grades look like linked to their social networking use. I will also see what their use of the sites is and what it can commonly result in. Then, I will compare these to people who do not use them at all. I would like to ask someone to go from frequent use of social networking to try not to and see what changes in their productivity. I hope to see that if they are not on these sites, they do not get distracted or tempted to go out. I also want to see people's reasons on why some people do not have these sites and if it linked to any issues that people on these sites are having.
   Most of the recording will be one on one interviews, but I would like to get some shots of the people I am interviewing in their everyday life. All of the interviewers are college students so it will just be them around campus or in their dorm rooms doing work. I was putting into consideration recording those who have had negative effects on a gloomy day and those with positive effects on a sunny day. I hope to have all the recording done in a week because I will be done with class early everyday. I will put it in the order of asking everyone vague questions and then as the video progresses, the people interviewed will dig deeper in the topic and make their own conclusions about the topic. I want to end with me talking about the topic and having final thought coming from the people interviewed.
   I think it will result in discovering that constant use of these sites causes stress and other problems along with distractions and temptations that lead to the sufferance of your grades. I hope my audience will take this documentary as an outside view of the world of social networking and use it to consider how to use their own social networking pages to benefit themselves the most. I will make sure to let the range of use by the interviewers to be diverse enough to let any freshman connect to it.

1 comment:

  1. Maintain your focus on productivity. Your proposal goes off in different directions, but you want to stay on-message.
